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Upcoming Community of Faculty Retiree Events

Community of Faculty Retiree Events

Academic Lectures

Academic lectures provide an opportunity to learn from experts across various fields and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Speakers are chosen from all disciplines across the university, including experts who have continued their work into retirement. Attendees of CFR lectures leave with new insights and perspectives, contributing to their ongoing intellectual growth.

Annual Chancellor’s Luncheon (December)

The Chancellor's Luncheon is an annual event where speakers address public policy and developments within the Texas A&M System. The event is hosted by Chancellor John Sharp and in the past has featured the Chairmen of the Board of Regents, the President, Deans from new Colleges or Schools, and Government Relations specialists advocating from the University at the capital. A special recognition ceremony may be held to honor academic accomplishments after retirement along with a presentation. The event provides an opportunity for retired faculty to connect, learn and engage with current developments at the University.

May Forum

The May Forum is a highly anticipated event hosted by the Community of Faculty Retirees (CFR). The forum provides attendees with an update on the university, including remarks and a Q&A session with the Provost. Retirees have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations about the direction and future of the university. The May Forum is a valuable event that fosters a strong connection between the university and the retired faculty community.